User guide

Understanding the Printer Menus 309
ColorTrack Mode
To specify who has access to color printing.
Val u e s:
NoAcct User Prt
To specify whether to permit the printing of data without authentication information.
Val u e s:
Col. Tra Err Rep
To specify whether to automatically print error-related information if printing with
ColorTrack results in an error.
Val u e s:
LetterH Dup Mode
NOTE: LetterH Dup Mode feature is available only for Dell 2150cdn Color
Monthly Setting 1 Day
Sets the day of the month to delete the files stored as
Secure Print in the RAM disk.
2-28 Day
Does not limit access to color printing.
On Limits access to color printing.
Does not permit non-account user to print the data.
Permits non-account user to print the data.
Set No Account User Password using the Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool.
Does not print the error report when printing with Color Track results in an error.
On Prints the error report when printing with Color Track results in an error.