Users Guide

Organizing Windows with Easy Arrange | 9
If you are using multiple monitors in an array or matrix, Easy Arrange layout can be
applied across to all the monitors as one desktop. Select “Span multiple monitors” to
enable this feature. You need to align your monitors properly to make it effective.
There are other advanced usage of Easy Arrange. Refer to table below.
Feature Function Description
Easy Arrange
Custom layouts Save and name 5 customized Easy Arrange pat-
Congure x*y patterns.
5 MRU (most-
Press Ctrl+Shift+Home to cycle among the last 5
MRU layouts.
On the y parti-
tion resizing
Hold down Ctrl while resizing current Easy Ar-
range layout to adjust the size and numbers of
cells in a layout.
Newly formed Easy Arrange pattern is saved into
the Easy Arrange icon position.
Hold down Ctrl while clicking on a modied layout
icon to restore it to default layout.
Easy Arrange
layouts for
portrait mode
Portrait mode Easy Arrange icons are presented
when monitor is rotated.
NOTE: An application may require a minimum eective resolution for its
application window. Such application may not t in an Ease Arrange zone if
the zone is smaller than the required window size.