User guide

Dell PowerConnect 55xx Systems User Guide 701
HyperText Transport Protocol.
Transmits HTML documents between servers
and clients on the internet.
Integrated Circuit
. Integrated Circuits are small electronic devices composed
from semiconductor material.
Internet Control Message Protocol.
Allows gateway or destination host to
communicate with a source host, for example, to report a processing error.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
An Engineering
organization that develops communications and networking standards.
IEEE 802.1d
Used in the Spanning Tree Protocol, IEEE 802.1d supports MAC bridging to
avoid network loops.
IEEE 802.1p
Prioritizes network traffic at the data-link/MAC sublayer.
IEEE 802.1Q
Defines the operation of VLAN Bridges that permit the definition, operation,
and administration of VLANs within Bridged LAN infrastructures.
IGMP Snooping
IGMP Snooping examines IGMP frame contents, when they are forwarded by
the device from work stations to an upstream Multicast router. From the
frame, the device identifies work stations configured for Multicast sessions,
and which Multicast routers are sending Multicast frames.
Image File
System images are saved in two Flash sectors called images (Image 1 and
Image 2). The active image
stores the active copy; while the other image
stores a second copy.
Ingress Port