User guide

592 Dell PowerConnect 55xx Systems User Guide
Defining iSCSI Targets Using CLI Commands
The following table summarizes the CLI commands for defining fields
displayed in the iSC SI Tar ge ts Tab le.
The following is an example of the CLI commands:
Table 20-2. iSCSI Targets Table CLI Commands
CLI Command Description
iscsi target port tcp-port-1
[tcp-port-2… tcp-port-8]
[address ip-address] [name
no iscsi target port tcp-
port-1 [tcp-port-2… tcp-port-
8] [address ip-address]
Configures iSCSI port/s, target address
and name.
Use the no form of this command to
delete an iSCSI target.
show iscsi sessions Show the current iSCSI targets and
console(config)# iscsi target port 30001 address name