
Centralized tracking, management and support
Track your assets, manage policies and
enhance your user support remotely.
Asset tracking
Dell Wyse Device Manager (WDM) provides detailed
reports on your desktop and mobile thin client hardware
and software assets, helping you to gauge each device and
user desktop’s health and performance, avoid potential
issues and plan for change or growth.
Policy management
WDM’s Default Device Configuration (DDC) enables
administrators to issue, manage and update polices
right across an organization. Devices can be arranged
into logical groups, each with their own back-end
requirements wherever they are – locally or globally –
with WDM’s delegated administration capability.
Enhanced user support and lower costs
Give end users the ‘over-the-shoulder’ support that in the past could only be provided by physical
visits to the desktop. With WDM you can deliver such important one-to-one IT support in a more
efficient and cost-effective manner than ever before, resulting in far greater user experience
satisfaction scores with much lower support costs.
At a glance features:
Detailed hardware asset information
Installed software asset information
Detailed device health checks
Default device configuration
Delegated administration for policy management
(AD integrated)
Drastically reduced support costs
Remote shadowing and control
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Cloud Client