
Dell Wyse Device Manager specifications
Simple, easy installation • Checks for all prerequisite components and oers to install missing components – making WDM installation a snap
Automatic device discovery • Enables devices to discover themselves using DHCP option tags to find the WDM server
• Admin controlled manual discovery of devices across the network using either IP ranges or Subnets
Device monitoring • Displays visible device status in the user interface to inform administrators of the current status of devices on the network
• Enables devices to check in for new updates at pre-determined intervals
Comprehensive asset management • Tracks all device asset information and oers a complete inventory of all hardware and software information that is available on the device
• Collects granular information about the specific software OS and applications as well as any updates or patches deployed to the device at any point in time
• Enables administrators to remote shadow device to troubleshoot or for training users
Centralized device control • Allows to send commands to shutdown, reboot or wake up devices without ever visiting the end user desktop
• Delivers fast and reliable reconfiguration of embedded network devices, including the device flash file system
Complete imaging • Administrators can re-image the entire client flash file system, including the BIOS and CMOS settings, if needed
• Allows use of reference device to capture the configuration of the device or the complete image
Capture and deploy device identity • Permits cloning of configuration or image to other devices to easily provision devices to adhere to company policies
• Features built-in reliability for all updates to a device
• Oers flexible scheduling at appropriate times to prevent loss of end-user productivity
Use existing network infrastructure • Integrates with Active Directory for admin users
• Uses existing SQL database as the data store
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