Owner manual

--issue-lip or -l Issue a LIP to the target.
--rename or --id or –i <string>
Set a new ID.
--remove-id or -r Remove the ID assigned to a target, reverting to its natural identifier.
or -a Issue the command against all targets.
–-node or -n <address(es)>
Issue this command to one or more nodes in the cluster.
--cluster Issue this command to all nodes in the cluster.
help –-all for details on all other options.)
id ID or UUID of the LUN to update
> target:update --all --issue-lip
This issues LIP to all targets on the node.
> target:update --all --remove-id
This removes any aliases applied to the targets on this node.
> target:update --cluster --all --issue-lip
This issues LIP to all targets on all nodes in the cluster.
> target:update 13:32:45:32 mytarget
This changes the ID of target 13:32:45:32 to mytarget.