Owner manual

–-uuid or -u Show UUIDs instead of readable IDs.
–-node or -n <address(es)>
Issue this command to one or more nodes in the cluster.
–-property or -p <list> Properties to display:
idID of the cluster
uuidMachine-readable ID
ipaddr Cluster IP address
--objects or -o Return objects.
–-separator or -s <type>
Separator between property values when printing multiple properties;
defaults to
tab. Valid values are space, comma, and tab.
--cluster Issue this command to all instances in the cluster.
--sort <property> Sort the output, using the specified Property name to sort on.
--no-sort or -ns Do not sort the output.
--order-with <function>
Sort the output, extracting key with this function.
{$1 method}
--where or -w <function>
Filter by a function, if the function is true.
--where-not or -wn <function>
Filter by a function, if the function is false.
--used Show only objects that are in use.
--not-used or -nu Show only objects that are not in use.
help –-all for details on all other options.)