Deployment Guide

6. Make sure that the right privileges are granted to the repository files.
"sudo chmod 755 /var/lib/razor/repo-store/<your windows repo>/bootmgr.exe"
"sudo chmod 755 /var/lib/razor/repo-store/<your windows repo>/razor-
"sudo find <your windows repo> -print0 | sudo xargs -0 chown razor:razor"
“sudo setsebool -P samba_export_all_ro 1”
Importing Linux ISOs on the Virtual Appliance for
Operating System Deployment
The following steps provide instructions to import Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 ISO on the ASM virtual
appliance for Operating System Deployment.
1. Log in to virtual appliance with the user name
2. Copy the ISO file to the directory /var/lib/razor/repo-store/.
3. To create a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 repository, create a /tmp/rhel65_repo.json file with the
following content:
“name”: “<your rhel repo name>”,
“iso-url”: file:///var/lib/razor/repo-store/<Red Hat ISO name>.iso
4. To register the
.iso file, run the following command using the content file created in step 3. The
example here uses the rhel65_repo.json file created in the earlier step.
sudo razor create-repo --json /tmp/rhel65_repo.json
5. To verify whether or not the repository is created, run:
sudo razor repos
6. Change directory to /var/lib/razor/repo-store/rhel65 directory. If the operating system files are
already available, continue to Step 7. Otherwise, run the following commands to extract the .iso file
from the directory /var/lib/razor/repo-store to the directory
/var/lib/razor/repo-store/rhel65. Make
sure that the Linux .iso file is available in “repo-store” directory where you run the following
“sudo mount -o loop /var/lib/razor/repo-store/<RHEL ISO NAME>.iso /mnt”
“sudo rsync -av /mnt/* /var/lib/razor/rep-store/<your rhel repo name>”
“sudo umount /mnt”
7. Make sure that the correct privileges are granted to the repository files.
“sudo find <your rhel repo name> -print0 | sudo xargs -0 sudo chown
8. ASM uses a default kickstart file to automate the installation of Linux. If you want to customize while
installing the operating system, you can customize the kickstart file template “kickstart.erb” used to
automate the installation.
Use the sudo
command to edit the kickstart.erb file available in the following directory /opt/razor-
server/installers/redhat, and then enter the necessary customizations for the install. For more
information about editing kickstart files for Linux install automation, refer to Linux documentation.
: Currently, only one kickstart version is supported for Linux. Changes here affect both
CentOS and Red Hat OS installations.