Deployment Guide

connect to the same razor shared by connecting to
\\<ASM appliance hostname or IP>\razor\puppet-
: The puppet agent version should be greater than 3.0.0 and lower than 3.4.
After you install the puppet agent, make sure the puppet agent service is enabled to run on system
start. For Windows, this must be done by viewing the services and setting the puppet agent service to
To verify whether or not the puppet agent is enable, run the following command:
puppet resource service puppet
You are able to see whether or not the service “enable” is set to “true” or “false”.
If the service is not set to true from the above command, enable the puppet agent service, run the
following puppet command as administrator:
puppet resource service puppet enable=true
Make sure the NTP is configured based on virtual machine. The virtual machine and ASM appliance
must have synchronized time.
Configure the puppet.conf file to use "dellasm" as a server. To configure the puppet.config file,
perform the following:
Run the following command as administrator in Windows and root in Linux to identify the location
of puppet.config file:
puppet config print config
The command displays the directory of the puppet.config file.
Open the puppet.config file by using the text editor and add the following line to the [main],[master],
and [agent] section. If any of these sections does not exist, create them:
server = dellasm
Make sure the ASM appliance hostname dellasm can be resolved by using DNS. Either add the
appropriate CNAME record in DNS* or add the appropriate host entries to /etc/hosts or C:
\system32\driver\etc\hosts based on your operating system.
Make sure the puppet agent does not contain any existing SSL certificates. The directory listed by the
following command should be empty (remove all files in the directory if it exists).To verify run the
following command for this.
puppet config print ssldir
: After preparing the base virtual machine, in case the virtual machine is restarted, the
puppet verification file will need to be deleted from system. This file can be found in Windows at
C:\ProgramData\puppet_verification_run.txt or in Linux at /var/lib/