Users Guide

Lists the number of resources included in the service for deployment, based on the following
component types:
Virtual Machine
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Viewing Service Details
Viewing Service Details
Summary tab displays the state of the service at component level in Topology and Tabular view.
To switch between Topology and Tabular view, click the topology or graphic icon
on the top-
right corner of the
Services page.
In the Topology view, under Service Resources,
you can view the topology of the components, as
structured in a specific/selected service template. The red component icon indicates the service is not
deployed on a particular component due to some issues. The blue component icon indicates the
service is successfully deployed on the components. The light blue component icon indicates the
service deployment is in progress.
To view the IP Address and Hypervisor IP Address deployed on the server, click the corresponding
component icons.
In the Tabular view, under
Service Resources, the following information is displayed:
IP Address
— Displays IP address of the resource. (Click the IP address of a Dell resource to open
the Element Manager.)
Hypervisor IP Address
—For servers, displays the IP address of the Hypervisor deployed on the
Asset/Service Tag
— Displays the unique identification of a resource in the form of service tag,
host name, or FQDN based on the resource types.
Manufacturer — Displays the manufacturer name. For example, Dell, Cisco, VMware, and so on.
Model — Displays the model name of the resource. For example, M620, M1000e, PowerEdge
VRTX, and so on.