Users Guide

A Template is a collection of components. It defines the end state of your infrastructure that will be
configured when a service is generated.
A Template may consist of various components that identify the type of resource to be configured. In
ASM, each component is specifically categorized as:
Virtual Machine
: The Switch component cannot be configured in ASM currently.
The Templates page allows you to access default Dell templates or create new templates that can be
used to deploy services. For example, you can create a template for deploying a physical server, deploy
VMs in new or existing ESXi clusters and so on.
After creating a Template, you can then publish a template for deployment.
NOTE: It is recommended to first provision the physical devices, then deploy virtual components,
and lastly configure applications.
After creating a template, a template is automatically saved in a Draft state and not yet published. A
template must be published in order to be deployed.
NOTE: A template in Draft state cannot be deployed.
Template States
A template created but not yet published.
A template ready for deployment.
Related Links
Manage Templates
Sample Templates
Cloning Template
Deleting Template
Creating Template
Editing Template
Building and Publishing Template
Importing Template