Users Guide

View detailed information about the resources and associated components.
: In ASM 7.6 release, the detailed information can be viewed only for Dell Resources.
Update resource inventory data.
Related Links
Viewing Chassis Details
Viewing Blade or Rack Server Details
Viewing Storage Group Details
Viewing VMware vCenter Details
Resource Operational State
After initiating the resource discovery, ASM assigns one or more of the following states to the resources.
These operational states display in the State columns of the All Resources tab on the Resources page.
State Description
Available Resource is available for deployment.
Deploying Resource is in the process of being deployed in a service.
Deployed Resource is deployed in a service.
Pending One or more of the following tasks are in progress:
Discovering resource.
Determining resource details, including firmware version.
Applying template to the resource.
Updating firmware.
Removing resource from ASM inventory.
Error Service deployment is failed.
Reserved Resource is reserved by a service prior to a pending deployment.
Unmanaged Resource is not managed by ASM.
Viewing Chassis Details
1. In the left pane, click Resources.
The Resources page is displayed.
2. In the All Resources tab, click a chassis from the list of resources to view the details.
The Details pane in the right displays the basic information about the Chassis, such as Power State,
Management IP, Chassis Name, Service Tag, and Location.