Setup Guide

Configuring ASM Virtual Appliance for
NetApp Storage Support
For ASM to support NetApp, perform the following tasks:
Add NetApp Ruby SDK libraries to the appliance. For more information about adding SDK libraries, see
Adding NetApp Ruby SDK
Enable HTTP/HTTPs for the NFS share. For more information, see Enabling HTTP or HTTPs for NFS
Make sure license is enabled for NFS on NetApp. To obtain and install the license, refer NetApp
Create the credentials to access NetApp Storage. For creating credential, see Active System Manager
Release 8.1.1 User’s Guide.
Configure the NetApp Storage Component. For more information, see Configuring the NetApp
Storage Component
Configure the the fileshare Network on the server component. For More information, see Active
System Manager Release 8.1.1 User’s Guide
Adding NetApp Ruby SDK to ASM Virtual Appliance
NetApp Manageability SDK files are available to download directly from NetApp. You need a NetApp
NOW account to download the SDK.. These files are DfmErrno.rb, NaElement.rb, NaErrno.rb, and
The NaServer.patch file is available on the ASM appliance at location /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/
netapp/files/NaServer.patch You will need the above files to proceed further. Contact your administrator
for any additional patch files, or updates.
1. Log in to the ASM Appliance.
2. Download and copy the NetApp SDK Ruby lib files to the ASM Appliance /tmp/*.
3. Copy these Ruby libs files from /tmp to /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/netapp/lib/puppet/util/
# sudo cp /tmp/*.rb /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/netapp/lib/puppet/util/network_device/
4. Copy any patch file(s) to the ASM Appliance /tmp directory, currently there is NaServer.patch
# sudo cp /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/netapp/files/NaServer.patch /tmp