Users Guide

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Under Server OverviewServer Health, a pie chart displays the total number of servers available
across all the server pools and their state.
The state of the servers are categorized based on the following state:
Healthy (green band on the graphic): Indicates that there is no issue with the servers and working
as expected.
Critical (red band on the graphic): Indicates critical problems exist with one or more components
in the server. These issues should be fixed immediately.
Warning (yellow band on the graphic): Indicates that the servers are in a state that requires
corrective action, but does not affect overall system health. For example, the firmware running on
a server is not at the required level or not compliant.
Unknown (gray band on the graphic): Indicates that the state of the server is unknown.
Under Server Utilization is Services, a pie chart displays the total number of servers utilized in services
and the available servers that can be used in percentage.
Servers In Use (blue band on the pie chart) — Indicates the percentage of servers that are in use.
To view the number of servers used, move the mouse pointer over the band.
Servers Available (gray band on the graphic) — Indicates the percentage of servers that are
available for deployment. To view the number of servers that are available, move the mouse
pointer over the band.
Under Utilization by Server Pool, each bar represents a server pool and displays the number of
servers used and available in that server pool.
Under Total Storage Capacity, a pie chart displays the total storage capacity utilized and available in
Storage Used (blue band on the graphic) — Indicates total used storage disk space in percentage.
To view the percentage of used storage disk space, move the mouse pointer over the band.
Storage Available (gray band on the graphic) — Indicates total available storage space in
percentage. To view the percentage of available storage space, move the mouse pointer over the
Under Capacity by Storage Group, each bar represents one of the following storage groups and
displays the storage capacity used or available on the particular storage group.
Dell EqualLogic Group
Dell Compellent Arrays
NetApp Arrays
The Dashboard also displays the following information in the right pane:
Licensing Information — Displayed when any one of the of the following events occur:
The number of resources managed by ASM exceeds the valid license count.