Users Guide

The trial license expires.
Deploy Service from Recent Templates — Enables you to view the most recent published templates
and use it for deployment. Click View All to view all the templates.
NOTE: Standard users are allowed only to view the recent templates that they have created.
Recent Activity — Lists the most recent user and system initiated activities. Click View All to view all
the activities in the Logs page.
Additionally, following information is displayed on the Disover pane.
Discovered Resources — Indicates the number of resources that are discovered in ASM.
Pending Resources — Indicates that the discovery is in progress for the number of resources
Errors — Indicates that ASM is unable discover the number of resources displayed due to some
Links to learn more about service deployments and templates.
On this page, you can:
Click the service name to view the details information about the service. For more information, see
Viewing Service Details.
View the most recent published templates and use it for service deployment.
Related Concepts
Viewing service details
Related References
Service states
Related Tasks
Deploying service
Service states
State Icon Description
Error Indicates service deployed is failed due to some issues.
Warning Indicates that the one of more resources that are part of a
service is in a state that requires corrective action, but does
not affect overall system health. For example, the firmware
running on the resource is not at the required level or not
In Progress Indicates service deployment is in progress.
Deployed Indicates service deployed is completed successfully.