Users Guide

Migrating servers
NOTE: Standard users can migrate the servers that are part of the server pool for with they have
You can migrate only one server at a time. However, after a successful migration, additional servers can
be migrated. During migration, ASM tries to identify an exact match for the hardware. If it is not available
in the server pool, a different hardware can be selected.
You may encounter some issues during configuration of the new servers. In such scenarios, you can
address the issues preventing the proper configuration of the target server, and retry the deployment.
To migrate a server’s configuration to a different server pool:
1. In the Service Details page, perform one of the following actions:
In the topology view, click a server component, and click Migrate in the box that is displayed
In the topology view, click a server component, and click Migrate in the right page.
2. In the Migrate Server(s) dialog box, in the State column, select the server, and then in the New
Server Pool column, select the designated server pool to migrate.
NOTE: When you boot from SAN, you always get a migrate option on Service Details page.
Migrate is not available for any other type of deployment so in that case, you do not get
Migrate Server option Service Details page.
Updating Server Component
If you need to input data for the template which is used to create the running service, then the Upgrade
Components button will be displayed. Click on the Upgrade Components buttons, Update Service
Component window will be displayed. Fields in the Update Service Component window varies with
templates. Fill all the displayed fields. Click Save.
Adding components to existing service deployments
After a successful service deployment, you can add one or more application, storage, server, cluster, and
virtual machine components to an existing service.
NOTE: Standard users are allowed only to add components to a service for which they have
NOTE: You cannot add a component of a particular type if the component type is not a part of the
service reference template.
NOTE: You cannot add components to a service for which deployment is in progress or to a failed
service deployment.
To add components to a service:
1. In the left pane, click Services.