Users Guide

Enter encryption password in Set File Encryption Password.
Confirm Encryption Password:
To confirm encryption password re-enter encryption password in Confirm Encryption Password.
5. Click Export to File. After clicking Export to File, the file gets downloaded in download directory. A
window is displayed to save the exported file. There save file option is selected by default.
6. Click Ok to save the file.
Upload External Template
To upload a template which has imported from other instances of ASM:
1. Log in to other appliance where you want to upload the saved exported template.
2. Click Template on getting started page.
3. Click Upload External Template. Upload External Template window is displayed. click Browse
button just beside Select Template. It gives you option to select the exported file to upload.
4. Select the file from your directory where you have saved it.
5. Select Use Encryption Password from Backup Setting if you have set encryption password in Backup
and Restore. Deselect Use Encryption Password from Backup Setting if you have not set encryption
password in Backup and Restore.
6. If you deselect Use Encryption Password from Backup Setting, you get Encryption Password field,
there you must enter encryption password.
7. Enter template name in Template Name field.
8. Select template category from Template Category drop-down menu.
NOTE: Template description, Manage Server Firmware, Manage Server Permission are optional
to fill or select.
9. After you select template category, click Upload.
NOTE: After importing a template, you need to update environment specific setting in the
template which is required for deployment.
Editing template
You can edit an existing template to change the Draft state of the selected template to the published
state for deployment, or to modify the exiting components and their properties.
To edit a template, perform the following steps:
1. Click Templates.
2. Select a template, and click Edit.
3. Perform the necessary changes to the template.
4. Click Publish Template to make the template ready for deployment
From this page, you can:
Click Edit next to the Template Information section title, to edit the template information.
View the following information about the template in the Template Information section:
Category — Displays the template category.