Users Guide

6. Click Save.
7. Click Publish Template.
This template is now ready to be deployed.
Template – deploy virtual machine template clone on Hyper-V cluster
The Deploy Virtual Machine Template Clone on Hyper-V Cluster template will create a virtual machine
clone of a Hyper-V virtual machine template in SCVMM.
NOTE: Template cloning will not work if Hyper-V virtual machine template has not been configured
according to the Active System Manage Quick Install Guide.
To deploy a Hyper-V virtual machine clone using this template, perform the following steps:
1. On the Templates page, select the Deploy Virtual Machine Template Clone on Hyper-V Cluster
template, and click Clone in the right pane.
2. In the Create Template dialog box, enter a name, category, and description for the template, select
the cluster and virtual machine components, and click
3. On the Template Builder page, click the Hyper-V Cluster component, click Edit on the dialog box
that is displayed, and then configure the following settings in the Cluster Component dialog box:.
a. From the Hypervisor Management Software drop-down list, select the management software
of the target hypervisor for the SCVMM instance where the clone will be created.
b. From the Host Group and Cluster Name drop-down lists, select the host group and cluster
name on which virtual machine clone will be deployed.
4. Click Save.
5. On the Template Builder page, click the virtual machine component, click Edit in the dialog box that
is displayed, and then configure the following settings for the virtual machine in the Virtual Machine
Component dialog box:
a. Modify the Component Name, Description, and Name of the virtual machine, as desired.
b. From the Template drop-down list, select a valid Hyper-V virtual machine template that has
been created according to the Active System Manager version 6 Quick Install Guide instructions.
NOTE: If the template selected has not been properly prepared, the deployment of the
Virtual Machine clone will fail.
c. Under Network Settings, select the network to be associated with the virtual machine.
NOTE: Any network selected must be enabled and available on the SCVMM hosts/clusters
where the virtual machine will be deployed.
6. Click Save.
7. Click Publish Template.
This template is now ready to be deployed.
Template – deploy virtual machine template clone on VMware cluster
The Deploy Virtual Machine Template Clone on VMWare Cluster template will create a virtual machine
clone of a VMware virtual machine template or virtual machine in vCenter.
NOTE: Template cloning will not work if vCenter virtual machine template or virtual machine is not
configured according to the Active System Manage Quick Installation Guide.