Owner's Manual

Element Description Valid Values Look up
ID The ID of the object you
want to remove
String No
Remove Object Returned Data
Name Description Value Type
AIM Object Type The type of object whose
maintenance mode you want to
AIM Server Location The location of the Dell AIM server String
AIM Server Port The port used to connect to the Dell
AIM server
AIM Username The username used to connect to the
Dell AIM server.
ID The ID of the object you want to
Use SSL Specifies whether or not the SSL
protocol was used to connect to the
Dell AIM server
True or False
Update Object Activity
The Update Object activity is used in a policy to update existing objects in the Dell AIM environment, such as changing
of a
Server Pool
For the procedure to configure this activity, see Configuring the Update Object Activity.
Optional properties are generated based on the AIM Object Type that is associated with the Dell AIM Object Type
configuration that you select when you define the activity.
The activity publishes all of the data from the required and optional properties into returned data. Additional return data
is generated based on the AIM Object Type that is associated with the Dell AIM Object Type configuration that you
select when you define the activity.
The following tables list the required and optional properties and returned data for this activity.
Update Object Required Properties
Element Description Valid Values Look up
ID The ID of the object that you
want to update
String No
Update Object Returned Data
Description Value Type
AIM Object Type The type of Dell AIM object that you
can update
AIM Server Location The location of the Dell AIM server String