Service Manual

Table Of Contents
Table 4. System setup options—Advance menu
SupportAssist System Resolution
Auto OS Recovery Threshold Controls the automatic boot flow for SupportAssist System
Resolution Console and for the Dell operating system Recovery
Default: 2
SupportAssist OS Recovery Enables or disables the boot flow for the SupportAssist OS
Recovery tool in the even of certain system errors.
Default: Disabled
Table 5. System setup options—Security menu (continued)
Admin Password Displays if the administrator password is clear or set.
System Password Displays if the system password is clear or set.
Default: Not Set
Admin Password Allows you to set the administrator password. The
administrator password controls access to the system setup
System Password Allows you to set the system password. The system password
controls access to the computer at boot.
Password Change Allows you to permit or deny system password or HDD
password changes.
Default: Permitted
Absolute® Enables or disables the BIOS module interface of the optional
Computrace Service from Absolute Software.
Default: Deactivate
Absolute® Status Enables or disables SED Block SID Authentication.
Default: Disabled
Windows SMM Security Mitigations Table (WSMT) Enables or disables the Windows SMM Security Mitigations
Table. It allows the system firmware to confirm to the OS that
certain security best practices have been implemented in the
System Management Mode (SMM) software.
Default: Disabled
Firmware TPM Enable or disable the firmware TPM.
Default: Enabled
PPI Bypass for Clear Command Allows you to control the TPM Physical Presence Interface
(PPI). When enabled, this setting will allow the OS to skip
BIOS PPI user prompts when issuing the Clear command.
Changes to this setting take effect immediately.
Default: Disabled
UEFI Firmware Capsule Updates Enables or disables BIOS updates through UEFI capsule
update packages.
Default: Enabled
Secure Boot Enables or disables configuration of platform features on Dell
Client Systems with WSMT-enabled BIOS.