Service Manual

Table Of Contents
Table 5. System setup options—Security menu
Default: Enabled
Table 6. System setup options—Boot menu
Boot List Option Displays the boot options.
Default: UEFI
File Browser Add Boot Option Allows you to add the boot options.
Windows Boot Manager Display boot options in Windows
UEFI Boot Enables or disables UEFI boot.
Default: Disabled
Table 7. System setup options—Exit menu
Exit Saving Changes Allows you to exit system setup and save your changes.
Save Change Without Exit Allows you to save your changes without exiting the BIOS
Exit Discarding Changes Allows you to exit the BIOS setup without saving the changes.
Load Optimal Defaults Allows you to restore default values for all system setup
Discard Changes Allows you to load previous values for all system setup
System and setup password
Table 8. System and setup password
Password type Description
System password Password that you must enter to log on to your system.
Setup password Password that you must enter to access and make changes to the
BIOS settings of your computer.
You can create a system password and a setup password to secure your computer.
CAUTION: The password features provide a basic level of security for the data on your computer.
CAUTION: Anyone can access the data stored on your computer if it is not locked and left unattended.
NOTE: System and setup password feature is disabled.
Assigning a system setup password
You can assign a new System or Admin Password only when the status is in Not Set.