Setup Guide

APEX Console
Your subscription to APEX Data Storage Services includes access to the APEX Console. Use the APEX Console to access and
operate your data storage and to contact Dell Technologies. You will receive credentials and information about programs during
the onboarding process. Retain communications from Dell Technologies for future reference.
Figure 3. Dell Technologies APEX Console
During the onboarding process, you are given access to the following programs:
Table 5. Accessing related programs
Related programs Purpose Link Credentials to use
APEX Console
View and modify your
Submit requests for
Access the Element
Dell Technologies APEX
Dell customer login
Dell Technologies Managed
Request service
Report incidents
Ask a question
Dell Technologies Service
SSO (Dell login credentials)
Monitor storage activity
Access Element Manager
CloudIQ SSO (Dell login credentials)
Block or File storage manager
Operate block or file
storage within the
guidelines of the Roles and
Monitor storage activity
N/A Element Manager login
Getting Started with APEX Data Storage Services 13