Setup Guide

Staging and shipping
Dell Technologies stages the offer in a Dell factory, where the storage and server components, networking switches, and power
distribution are installed and cabled. After validation testing, the entire rack is shipped to the selected data center location.
Deployment and service readiness
The Dell Technologies deployment team works with your staff to install and deploy the offer in your data center or hosted
location, including configuring storage software and network ports. The deployment team also installs any expansion equipment
as required in the future.
The Dell team ensures that managed services are established and activated and that your key users have required role-based
access. The customer service owner or IT manager will also have the opportunity to set up storage protection policies and select
several service options.
Billing begins after deployment and upon service activation. Your monthly invoice consists of two charges, each using the same
$/TB/hr rate.
Your billing rate depends on the configuration:
Base CapacityYou are billed for the entire base capacity whether you use all the base capacity or not.
On-Demand UsageYou are billed for the TB/hr used during the month.