
Datasheet Volume 2 of 2 47
Power Management Architecture (Wbox)
9.5.2 PMReq Retry/CmpD Response Behavior PMReq Retry Determination
Retries are the re-querying to other sockets to see if it this node can make transition to
its desired package C-state. Retries are done when it is found that system state is
changed which may cause previous responses from other sockets stale. The retry
request is made in following scenario
When a node's (socket's) initial PMReq was not granted its desired package C-state
but a higher power C-state. In such case, socket's current package state is not
same as its desired package state. If this socket receives an initial PMRreq from
other nodes (initial request is an indication that some thing has change on system
which might have changed the allowable lowest package C state on the system), it
responds with its CmpD and send its PMReq retry for its own desired package
When a node receives an initial request from other nodes to a higher power C-state
then its own desired package C-state, it needs to retry PMReq for its desire package
C-state fresh co-ordination.
When a node has sent its PMReq request (initial or retry) and it receives an Initial
PMReq from other node before it can get CmpD response for its request from all
other populated nodes. It indicates that some of the some of the CmpD responses
on the system can be stale. Once the node has received all the CmpD responses, it
has to discard this response due to conflict and retry it's PMReq for fresh co-
Even through Ubox implements PMReq conflicts detection in hardware and provides this
information to pcode but as per current implementation pcode ignores this information
and does firmware conflict detection for simplicity and patch ability reasons. CmpD Response Determination
A receiving node has to respond to its inbound PMReq request by a CmpD response
with the data in the response indicating the state_type it is willing other node to hold
currently. In most case, through not all (for desired package C-state < C3 it responds
with C0), a node provides its CmpD response which is same as its current desired
package C-state. PMReq Message Types
The Outgoing PMReqs messages and the Inbound CmpD messages are new features on
Intel Xeon Processor E7-8800/4800/2800 Product Families.
The PMReq interface handles four types of messages:
1. Outbound PMReq messages:
a. Messages initiated by this node requesting permission from all other nodes for
this node to transition to a "deeper" P/C/S/T state (Intel Xeon Processor E7-
8800/4800/2800 Product Families - will use only for C state), or
b. Messages initiated by this node to all other nodes announcing a transition of the
node to a "shallower" P/C/S/T state (Intel Xeon Processor E7-8800/4800/2800
Product Families - will use only for C state), or
c. "Retry" messages initiated by this node in response to a new (not retried) PMReq
message from another node when a previous request by this node was rejected.
2. Outbound CmpD messages: