Deployment Guide

Supported frametype parameters (Continued)TABLE 5
Frames counted
scsiwrite Only SCSI write command frames
scsirw Both SCSI read and write command frames
scsi2reserve Only SCSI 2 reserve command frames
scsi3reserve Only SCSI 3 reserve command frames
scsi2release Only SCSI 2 release command frames
scsi3release Only SCSI 3 release command frames
scsi2reserverelease Only SCSI 2 reserve-release command frames
scsi3reserverelease Only SCSI 3 reserve-release command frames
scsitur Only SCSI test unit ready frames
scsistatus Only SCSI status frames
scsicmdsts Only SCSI command status frames
This parameter is valid only for Flow Mirror. It implicitly assumes “-bidir” and looks for both
SCSI command and status frames.
scsigoodstatus Only SCSI status frames with status marked as good (all 0s [zeros] in the status byte)
scsicheckstatus Only SCSI status frames with check status (Check Condition, Busy, Reservation Conflict,
Task Full Set)
scsiinquiry Only SCSI inquiry frames
scsiresvconflict Only SCSI status frames with reservation conflict set
scsixferrdy Only SCSI FCP XFER_RDY (transfer ready) frames
Numbers of flows supported
On chassis-based platforms, Flow Vision supports a maximum of 512 user-defined flows plus an
additional 512 learned flows and predefined flows. On fixed-port platforms, Flow Vision supports a
maximum of 128 user-defined flows plus an additional 128 learned flows and predefined flows.
However, there is a combined limit for all features of 64 static flows and learning flows (whether active
or inactive) for any one port, and a maximum of 64 learned flows per feature per port. This means (as
an example) that two different learning flows on a given port can each have 64 learned flows.
Beyond these limits, there are limits for each individual feature, as described in the following table. In
addition, refer to the individual features for other feature-specific restrictions.
Numbers of flows supported
20 Flow Vision Administrators Guide