Deployment Guide

Fabric OS Command Reference 583
OPERANDS This command has the following operands:
Displays a summary of the data collected since midnight of the current day. The
following operands are supported with the --show command.
Displays a summary and historical data of the errors for 5 rules and last 5 ports.
Displays the historical data only.
Displays detailed data in addition to the summary. The following operands are
supported with the details command.
-day mm/dd/yyyy
Displays the dashboard data for a specific day.
Specifies the month. Valid values are 01 through 12.
Specifies the date. Valid values are 01 through 31.
Specifies the year.
-hr hour_of_day
Displays the dashboard data for a specific hour of the day. The valid values
for hour are 0 through 23. For example, if you specify 17, the dashboard data
is displayed for the time window of 5:00 PM to 5:59 PM.
Clears the dashboard data. This command clears all database data except the
History Data of the current day because it is directly displayed from hardware. The
following operands are supported with the --clear command.
Clears all dashboard data.
Clears the dashboard history data.
Clears the dashboard summary data.
Displays the command usage.
EXAMPLES To display the dashboard with summary information for data collected since midnight:
switch:admin> mapsdb --show
===== Dashboard Start Time: Fri Feb 8 09:57:29 2013, Active policy: \
dflt_conservative_policy =====
Switch Health Report:
Current Switch Policy Status: HEALTHY
Category |Today |Last 7 days |
Port Health |In operating range |In operating range |
FRU Health |In operating range |In operating range |
Security Violations |In operating range |In operating range |
Fabric State Changes |In operating range |In operating range |