Administrator Guide

Flow Vision Administrator’s Guide 15
Flow Monitor examples
|IngrPt|EgrPt |BiDir| LUN | FrameType|
|30 |- |no |- |- |
+ Denotes feature is currently activated for the flow
switch:admin> flow --show ingressTT -feature monitor
Name : ingresstt Features: mon(Active) noConfig: Off
Definition: IngrPort(30),SrcDev(*),DstDev(*)
Flow Monitor (Activated):
Monitor time: | Tue Jul 16 06:12:12 CLT 2013 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \
|SID(*)|DID(*)| Rx Frames Count | Rx Frames per Sec. | Rx Bytes Count | Rx Throughput(Bps) \
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \
|010000|010100| 9.92G | 201.22k | 18.87T | 399.93M \
|010000|010200| 9.92G | 201.23k | 18.87T | 399.93M \
|010000|010300| 9.92G | 201.23k | 18.87T | 399.93M \
|010000|010400| 9.92G | 201.22k | 18.87T | 399.93M \
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \
| *| *| 39.69G | 804.91k | 75.48T | 1.56G \
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \
============================================================================================ \
| Avg Rx Frm Sz(Bytes)|
| 2092 |
| 2092 |
| 2092 |
| 2092 |
| 2092 |
The Flow Vision interface provides a single interface for flow management that unifies legacy use
cases such as end-to-end (EE) monitors, frame monitors, and so on. The following examples show
how to implement the equivalent functionality using Flow Monitor.
End-to-end monitor
You can use the -bidir keyword to create the equivalent to an end-to-end monitor. The following
example creates a bidirectional Flow Monitor flow between device 02d8c0 and device 023a00
egressing port 4/10 of the switch on which the command is running.
switch:admin> flow --create endtoendflow -feature monitor -egrport 4/10 -dstdev 023a00 -srcdev 02d8c0
switch:admin> flow --show endtoendflow
Name : endtoendflow Features: mon(Activated) noConfig: Off
Definition: EgrPort(4/10),SrcDev(0x02d8c0),DstDev(0x023a00),BiDir
Flow Monitor (Activated):
Monitor time: | Fri Aug 30 22:52:35 UTC 2013 |
| Frame Count | Frames Per Sec. | Byte count | Throughput(Bps) \
| Tx / Rx / Total | Tx / Rx / Total | Tx / Rx / Total | Tx / Rx / Total \