Setup Guide

332 Brocade Fabric OS Message Reference
FCPD Messages
Message Probing failed on <error string>.
Message Type LOG
Severity WARNING
Probable Cause Indicates that a Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) switch probed devices on a loop port, and probing failed
on the L_Port, arbitrated loop physical address (AL_PA), or the F_Port. For ALPA, the valid range is 0x00
through 0xFF. The error variable can be either of the following:
L_Port port_number ALPA alpa_number
F_Port port_number
This could happen due to some firmware issue with the device controller on the specified port.
Contact the device vendor for any firmware-related issues. Also, consider upgrading the device firmware.
Message port <port number>, bad R_CTL for fcp probing: 0x<R_CTL value>.
Message Type LOG
Severity WARNING
Probable Cause Indicates that the response frame received on the specified port for an inquiry request contains an invalid
value in the routing control field. This could happen due to some firmware issue with the device controller
on the specified port.
Contact the device vendor for any firmware-related issues. Also, consider upgrading the device firmware.
Message Probing failed on <error string> which is possibly a private device which is not
supported in this port type.
Message Type LOG
Severity INFO
Probable Cause Indicates that device probing has failed because private devices will not respond to the switch port login
(PLOGI) during probing.