Setup Guide

Enabling the Persistent ALPA policy
By default, Persistent ALPA is disabled. You can enable Persistent ALPA using the ag --persistentalpaenable command with the
following syntax and with one of the following value types:
ag -persistentalpaenable 1/0[On/Off] -s/-f[Stringent/Flexible]
To enable Persistent ALPA, use the following steps.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Enter the ag --persistentalpaenable command to enable persistent ALPA in flexible (-f) or stringent (-s) mode. The following
example shows enabling the policy in flexible mode.
switch:admin> ag --persistentalpaenable 1 -f
To ensure consistency among the different devices, after Persistent ALPA is enabled, all the ALPAs become persistent, whether
or not they were logged in before the Persistent ALPA policy was enabled.
Disabling the Persistent ALPA policy
When you disable this policy, do not specify the value type (for example, flexible ALPA or stringent ALPA). Use the following steps.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Enter the ag --persistentalpadisable command.
switch:admin> ag --persistentalpaenable 0
Persistent ALPA device data
Access Gateway uses a table to maintain a list of available and used ALPAs. When the number of entries in this table is exhausted, the
host receives an error message. You can remove some of the entries to make space using the instructions in Removing device data
from the database on page 60.
Removing device data from the database
Use the following steps to remove device data from the database.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Enter the ag --deletepwwnfromdb command.
switch:admin> ag --deletepwwnfromdb PWWN
In the example, PWWN is the port that you want to remove from the database.
Displaying device data
You can view the ALPA of the host related to any ports you delete from the database.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Enter the ag --printalpamap command with the appropriate option to display a database entry for a specific F_Port. The
following example will display an entry for F_Port 2.
switch:admin> ag --printalpamap 2
Managing Policies and Features in Access Gateway Mode
Brocade Fabric OS Access GatewayAdministration Guide
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