Reference Guide

Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference 989
Displays an existing security policy including the FCS policy.
Synopsis secpolicyshow ["policy_set"[", name"]]
Description Use this command to display the members of an existing policy in the Active or Defined security policy set. The
command can be issued from all FCS switches.
This command displays the policy database one page at a time. Use the secPolicyDump command to display the
policy database without page breaks.
Notes The execution of this command is subject to Virtual Fabric restrictions that may be in place. Refer to "Using Fabric
OS Commands" and "Command Availability" for details.
Operands This command has the following operands:
Specify which policy to display, in quotation marks. Valid values are "Active", "Defined", or an
asterisk (*) for both Active and Defined. This operand is optional. If not specified, all
databases are displayed.
Specify the name of the security policy you want to view, in quotation marks. The specified
policy name must be capitalized. This operand is optional. Valid values for this operand
include the following:
The DCC_POLICY_nnn name has the common prefix DCC_POLICY_ followed by a string
of user-defined characters. These characters do not have to be capitalized like regular
policy names, but they are case-sensitive.
Examples To display all security policies from active databases:
switch:admin> secpolicyshow "active"
Pos Primary WWN DId swName
1 Yes 10:00:00:60:69:30:15:5c 1 primaryfcs
2 No 10:00:00:60:69:30:1e:62 4 switch