Reference Guide

1102 Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference
Provides a graceful shutdown to protect the switch file systems.
Synopsis sysshutdown
Description On standalone platforms, use this command to shut down the switch operating system.
On enterprise-class platforms, when sysShutDown is called on the active control processor (CP), the command
shuts down the active CP, standby CP, and any AP blades.
Some platforms will only shut down the operating systems; others will shut down the operating system as well as
shut off the power, that is, the LEDs will turn black.
After executing this command, manually power off the system. To reboot the system, manually turn the power
switch on.
Notes This command is not supported on the standby CP.
The execution of this command is subject to Virtual Fabric restrictions that may be in place. Refer to "Using Fabric
OS Commands" and "Command Availability" for details.
Operands None
Examples To perform a system shutdown on a standalone platform:
switch:admin> sysshutdown
This command will shutdown the operating systems on your
switch. You are required to power-cycle the switch in
order to restore operation.
Are you sure you want to shutdown the switch [y/n]? y
Broadcast message from root (ttyS0) Mon Sep 12 17: \
52:12 2005...
The system is going down for system halt NOW !!
INIT: Switching to runlevel:
INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal
ess095:root> Unmounting all filesystems.
The system is halted
flushing ide devices: hda
Power down.
To perform a system shutdown on a Brocade DCX-4S:
switch:admin> sysshutdown
This command will shutdown the operating systems on your
switch. You are required to power-cycle the switch in
order to restore operation.
Are you sure you want to shutdown the switch [y/n]?y
HA is disabled
Shutting down blade in slot:1, IP addr:
Shutting down blade in slot:8, IP addr: