Reference Guide

1146 Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference
To perform WWN recovery (the following example shows the WWN errors and the recovery process):
switch:admin> wwnrecover
WWN Discrepancies (Error:64) detected.
Please attempt recovery of these errors (where possible)
by navigating to the required recovery selection
from the following WWN Recovery Options Menu.
Please note that in the event of a mismatch in the LicenseIds,
between WWN1 and WWN2 cards, wwn recovery may not be possible.
In this case a factory programmed card with a matching LicenseId
must be used, as a replacement card, to complete the wwn recovery.
WWN 1 and WWN 2 Non-Critical Seeprom data is mismatched.
WWN Non-Critical Seeprom Problem Details
WWN Seeprom Chassis Serial Number Mismatch.
WWN 1 Serial Number: BADSerial
WWN 2 Serial Number: GOODSerial
WWN Recovery Options
0. Exit
3. Recover WWN 2 from WWN 1
4. Recover WWN 1 from WWN 2
Enter Selection > 4
You have opted to recover WWN1 from WWN 2.
Are you sure? Please Confirm: (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
Recovering Serial Number...
Serial Number Recovery completed.
WWN Seeprom Chassis Part Number Mismatch.
WWN 1 part Number: GoodPARTNO
WWN 2 Part Number: BadPARTNo
WWN Recovery Options
0. Exit
3. Recover WWN 2 from WWN 1
4. Recover WWN 1 from WWN 2
Enter Selection > 3
You have opted to recover WWN2 from WWN1.
Are you sure? Please Confirm: (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
Recovering Part Number...
Part Number Recovery completed.
SEE ALSO licenseIdShow, wwn