Reference Guide

xxii Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference
What is new in this document
portCfgEportCredits - Modified the description of the credits option. Modified the description to state that E_Port credits are
mutually exclusive with Buffer Optimized mode. ICL ports are supported with this command. Added valid credit range for ICL
portCfgGE - Added details for Brocade SX6 blade and removed Brocade 7800.
portCfgNonDfe - Updated the description and the --show ouput. Added new ‘8G Non-DFE State’ field.
portCfgQoS - The --setratelimit operand is not supported on Brocade X6-4 Director and Brocade X6-8 Director.
portCfgShow - Added details for Brocade SX6 blades and removed all references to Brocade 7800. Added the following
options: lag, tcl, and sla.
portCfgSpeed - Added 32 Gbps fixed speed. Added a note that speed ‘ax’ is not supported on 16G and 32G platforms and ‘s’ is
not supported on 32G platforms.
portCmd - Added support for Brocade SX6 extension blade. Added the following options: --uni-directional, --dscp, --l2cos,
-summary, -connection, -detail, -historical, and
portDPortTest - Added --set [ewrap | owrap] and --clear [ewrap | owrap] options. Added the following note: The D_Port long
duration test can only be run on a single port at a time.
portEncCompShow - Removed the ‘Active Speed’ field from the output. Added the following note: On 16 Gbps-capable
platforms, both encryption and compression features are supported. On 32 Gbps-capable platforms, only compression is
supported and encryption is not supported.
portLedTest - Removed the ceeportledtest command.
portLoopbackTest - Removed the ceeportloopbacktest command.
portName - Added -d option.
portShow - Added details for Brocade SX6 blade and removed Brocade 7800. Added the following options: sla, --link-local,
--sort, -reset, -lifetime, --hist-stats, and --filter.
portStats64Show - The stat64_fec_cor field is displayed only on 16 Gbps-capable platforms and not on 32 Gbps-capable
portStatsShow - Added fec_corrected_rate field. The fec_cor_detected and tim_latency_vc fields are displayed only on 16
Gbps-capable platforms and not on 32 Gbps-capable platform. The following fields are displayed only on 32 Gbps platforms:
lat_tot_pkt_vc, lat_hi_time_vc, lat_lo_time_vc, and latency_dma_ts.
portTest - This command is supported on the N->N Loopback Ports and it is not supported on the F_Ports on VF-enabled
powerOffListSet - Updated the command example.
powerOffListShow - Updated the command example.
reboot - Added details for Brocade X6 Director.
secCertUtil - Added the following options: -hash, -https, -type, -years, -nowarn.
secCryptoCfg - Added new options to manage template files.
sfpShow - Corrected command example for QSFP.
slotShow - Added new blade IDS: 175, 177, 178, and 186. Removed unsupported blade IDs.
snmpConfig - This command has been enhanced to run with command line options (non-interactive).
spinFab - This command is supported on AE_Ports and not supported on core blade connected to port blade.
sshUtil - Added the following options: genhostkey, showhostkey, and deletehostkey. Added -all option for the delknownhost
switchCfgSpeed - Added 32 Gbps speed.
switchName - The command is enhanced to accept switch name beginning with number.