Reference Guide

Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference 267
Displays or sets FC Router configuration parameters.
Synopsis fcrconfigure --bbfid
fcrconfigure --enable -shortestifl
fcrconfigure --disable -shortestifl
fcrconfigure --add -alias Alias_name -fid FID
fcrconfigure --delete -alias [FID | -all]
fcrconfigure --resetphantomdomain [-force]
fcrconfigure --show [-alias]
fcrconfigure --help
Description Use this command to change the backbone fabric ID, or to enable or disable the shortest inter-fabric link (IFL)
mode. If no operands are specified, this command displays the usage. Use the --show option to display the current
settings on the switch.
Before you configure the backbone fabric ID using the --bbfid option, you must disable FC routing by using the
fosConfig command and disable the switch using the switchDisable command.
Notes The execution of this command is subject to Virtual Fabric restrictions that may be in place. Refer to "Using Fabric
OS Commands" and "Command Availability" for details.
Operands This command has the following operands:
Specifies the Backbone Fabric ID. This is an interactive option. A fabric ID uniquely
identifies a fabric in FC Router configurations. The backbone fabric is the fabric attached to
the U_Ports of the switch, for example, E_Ports or F_Ports. The backbone fabric ID must
be unique across all fabrics connected to the FC Router. Use the switchShow command to
display the current Backbone Fabric ID.
--enable -shortestifl
Enables the shortest IFL mode in FC Router.
When the shortest IFL mode is enabled, FC Router can choose a lowest-cost IFL path in
the backbone fabric. This feature is useful when an FC Router has multiple connections to
the source edge fabric and the backbone fabric has multiple FC Routers connected through
FCIP links (VE_Ports) and FC links (E_Ports). Because a domain in an edge fabric can
choose any equal cost path to reach the translate domain, frames can be transmitted
through FCIP links even though FC links are present in the backbone fabric. When the
shortest IFL mode is enabled, the FCIP path in the backbone fabric is avoided while
reaching the destination edge fabric.