Reference Guide

Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference 277
Displays the specified tag from the LSAN tag configuration.
Displays the command usage.
-enforce tag
Accepts only the LSANs from the edge fabric that matches the specified tag string into the
local FCR database. A valid tag is a string of a maximum of eight characters. The maximum
configurable enforced tags is eight.
-speed tag
Allows the FCR to always import these target devices to the hosts specified in the LSANs
that match the speed tag. Only one speed tag is allowed per FC router.
When used with the --show option, this command displays all LSAN tags in the FCR LSAN
tag database.
Examples To add an LSAN enforcement tag named "brocade":
switch:admin> switchdisable
switch:admin> fcrlsan --add -enforce brocade
LSAN tag set successfully
To add a speed tag named "mcdt":
switch:admin> fcrlsan --add -speed mcdt
LSAN tag set successfully
To remove the LSAN enforcement tag "brocade":
switch:admin> fcrlsan --remove -enforce brocade
LSAN tag removed successfully
To remove the speed tag "mcdt":
switch:admin> fcrlsan --remove -speed mcdt
LSAN tag removed successfully
To display the information from the cache:
switch:admin> fcrlsan --show -enforce
Total LSAN tags : 2
ENFORCE : brocade
ENFORCE : cisco
switch:admin> fcrlsan --show -speed
Total LSAN tags : 1
SPEED: mcdt