Reference Guide

298 Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference
Configures a translate (xlate) domain's domain ID and state of persistence for both the EX_Port-attached fabric
and the backbone fabric.
Synopsis fcrxlateconfig
fcrxlateconfig importedFID exportedFID preferredDomainID
fcrxlateconfig --remove | -r importedFID exportedFID
fcrxlateconfig --enable persistxd
fcrxlateconfig --disable persistxd
fcrxlateconfig --show stalexd importedFID
fcrxlateconfig --delete stalexd importedFID staleXlateDomainID
fcrxlateconfig --help
Description Use this command to display a translate (xlate) domain ID or change the preferred domain ID and its state of
A translate domain is a phantom domain created by an FC Router. FC Routers emulate proxy devices representing
real devices in remote fabrics. These proxy devices are emulated to be connected to translate domains. Translate
domains are presented to a fabric as residing topologically behind front phantom domains (domains created by an
EX_Port). In the case of backbone fabrics, translate domains are topologically behind an E_Port. In every
EX_Port-attached edge fabric and backbone fabric, there can be a translate domain for every FC
Router-accessible remote fabric.
During a fabric build, the translate domain requests a domain ID from the principal switch in the EX_Port-attached
edge fabric. The domain ID requested is the preferred domain ID. You can set the preferred domain ID when the
translate domain is not active and is persistently saved. The principal switch attempts to provide the translate
domain with the requested domain ID, but it may not provide it if there are domain ID conflicts with other domains
in the fabric. If the requested domain ID (such as the preferred domain ID) is unavailable, the domain ID
assignment is completely at the discretion of the principal switch. The assignment domain ID is persistently stored
and is used as the preferred domain ID in the future.
By default, FCR creates the translate domain for a remote fabric if a valid persistent translate domain ID is
configured in the local fabric, even if no devices are imported or exported across the edge fabrics. Disabling the
persistxd parameter prevents the xlate domain from being created. Enabling the persistxd parameter from a
disabled state re-enables the FCR default behavior.
If the remote edge fabric becomes unreachable, the translate domains created in other edge fabrics for this remote
edge fabric become stale. Use the --show stalexd option to identify translate domains that have become stale, and
delete them in a nondisruptive manner with the --delete stalexd option.
When executed without operands, fcrxlateconfig displays for each translate domain the imported FID, the
exported FID, the domain ID and the xlate WWN.