Reference Guide

Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference 355
-frametype type
Specifies the predefined frame type. Valid values for type include the following: SCSI,
SCSIRead, SCSIWrite, SCSIRW, SCSI2Reserve, SCSI3Reserve, scsicmdsts, ABTS,
BAACC, SCSI2Release, SCSI3Release, SCSITur, SCSI2ReserveRelease,
SCSI3ReserveRelease, SCSIGoodStatus, SCSICheckStatus, SCSIResvConflict,
SCSIInquiry, SCSIXferrdy, Srr, and BARJT. This operand is not supported by the Flow
Generator feature.
Specifies the flow configuration options.
Configures the features to act on both incoming and outgoing directions on bidirectional
traffic. For example, the Flow Mirror feature mirrors the frames on both directions: traffic
originating from the source device and traffic that is destined to the source device. This
operand is not supported by the Flow Generator feature.
Allows a flow to be created, but suppresses activation of a flow.
Overrides the default behavior, which automatically saves the flow in the persistent
configuration when you create a flow. The flow will be lost when the system is rebooted.
Examples To create a flow on ingress port (1/10) for traffic from the source device (0x020a00) to the destination device
(0x030000) and activate the flow for the Flow Mirror and Flow Monitor features:
switch:admin> flow --create myflow1 -feature mirror,monitor
-ingrport 1/10 -srcdev 0x020a00 -dstdev 0x030000
To create a flow to monitor SCSI frames going through an egress port:
switch:admin> flow --create scsicsflow -feature monitor
-egrport 1/9 -frametype scsicheckstatus
To create a flow to monitor statistics from a particular source to destination on a specified LUN:
switch:admin> flow --create lunflow -feature monitor
-srcdev 0x010502 -dstdev 0x030700 -ingrport 1/5 -lun 4
To create a flow from source device (0x010203) to destination device(0x020304) for Flow Generator feature
without saving the flow:
switch:admin> flow --create myflow2 -feature generator
-srcdev 0x010203 -dstdev 0x020304 -ingrport 2/3 -noconfig
To create a flow from source device (0x01ba00) to destination device(0x01c000) for Flow Generator feature
without activating the flow:
switch:admin> flow --create myflow3 -feature generator
-srcdev 0x01ba00 -dstdev 0x01c000 -ingrport 2/18 -noactivate