Reference Guide

474 Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference
Manages Dynamic Ports On Demand (DPOD) licenses.
Synopsis licenseport --release port1[-port2]
licenseport --reserve port1[-port2]
licenseport --show
licenseport --method dynamic | static
Description Use this command to manage and display Dynamic Ports on Demand (DPOD) license assignments.
Dynamic Ports On Demand (DPOD) is an optional feature available on all embedded platforms. DPOD takes the
expansion capability of static Ports On Demand (POD) and adds the flexibility of activating any available port as
long as a valid license is available. In Static mode, POD allows only specific fixed ports to be activated or licensed.
With DPOD, any physical port can be made active as long as the total number of licenses is not exceeded.
The Dynamic POD feature assigns ports to the POD license in the order in which they come online until they equal
the number of online licensed ports. This command provides the mechanism to make adjustments to the dynamic
assignments by reserving assignments for specific ports in the event that there are more online ports than the
purchased POD licenses can support.
Notes The execution of this command is subject to Virtual Fabric restrictions that may be in place. Refer to "Using Fabric
OS Commands" and "Command Availability" for details.
On unsupported platforms, this command returns a "not supported" message.
Operands This command has the following operands:
Specifies a single port or a range of ports to which to assign or from which to remove a
POD license. A port must be specified when releasing or reserving a port.
Releases a license assignment from the specified ports when the switch is using the
Dynamic POD method. The ports must be offline for this command to succeed.
Reserves a license assignment for the specified ports when the switch is using the Dynamic
POD method. The ports must be offline for this command to succeed.
Displays the POD license assignments.
Selects the POD method as one of the following:
Selects the dynamic POD method.