Reference Guide

32 Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference
--delwwnpgmapping PG "WWN [;WWN2;...]" | --all
Removes the mapping between the specified device WWNs and the specified port group.
The port group is identified by its port group ID. The --all option removes the mapping of all
device WWNs currently mapped to the specified port group. The WWN list must be
enclosed in double quotation marks. WWNs must be separated by semicolons. The
mappings are removed upon execution of this command.
--addwwnfailovermapping N_Port "WWN [;WWN2;...]"| --all
Maps one or more device WWNs to a preferred failover N_Port. If the N_Port to which the
WWNS are mapped is not available or goes down, the device logins fail over to the
preferred failover N_Port. The --all option maps all currently mapped device WWNs to the
specified failover N_Port. The WWN list must be enclosed in double quotation marks.
WWNs must be separated by semicolons.
--delwwnfailovermapping N_Port "WWN [;WWN2;...]" | --all
Deletes the mapping of one or more device WWNs to a preferred failover N_Port. The --all
option deletes the failover mappings of all device WWNs currently mapped to the specified
N_Port. The WWN list must be enclosed in double quotation marks. WWNs must be
separated by semicolons.
--wwnmappingdisable "WWN [;WWN2;...]" | --all
Disables one or more device WWN mappings. Use this command if you want to disable the
mapping action temporarily without making permanent changes to the mappings. The
mappings remain disabled until they are re-enabled or deleted. The --all option disables all
currently existing device WWN mappings.
--wwnmappingenable "WWN [;WWN2;...]" | --all
e-enables one or more previously disabled device WWN mappings. The --all option
re-enables all previously disabled device WWN mappings.
Displays all device WWN mappings. For each device WWN, the command displays the
N_Port number to which it is mapped, the secondary (failover) N_Port, and the port group if
applicable. The "Current" field shows the port the device is currently using. If the device is
not logged in, the field displays "none." If the device is logged in to a port other than the one
it is mapped to, the field displays that port. If the device is mapped to a port group, the field
displays the number of the port within that port group that the device is currently using. If the
device is using a trunk, the field displays which port in that trunk the device is logged in. The
"Enabled" field indicates, whether a mapping has been temporarily disabled ("no"), or
whether it is in enabled state ("yes").
--reliabilitycounterset count
Sets the reliability limit for the preferred N_Port. This parameter controls the number of
ONLINE or OFFLINE State Change Notification (SCN) messages a port can receive before
becoming unreliable. The range is 10 through 100. The default value is 25.