Reference Guide

Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference 717
This command has the following operands:
On bladed systems only, specifies the slot number of the ports to be disabled persistently,
followed by a slash (/).
Persistently disables a single port or a range of ports identified by port numbers. The port
range cannot span slots, but you can specify multiple port ranges pairs separated by a
space, for example 3/1-4 4/7-9.
-i index1[-index2]
Persistently disables a port or a range of ports identified by port index numbers. You may
specify multiple index ranges separated by a space, for example, -i 33-38 40-60.
-x [hex1 [-hex2]]
Persistently disables a port or a range of ports identified by port index numbers in
hexadecimal format. You may specify multiple port ranges separated by a space, for
example, -x 21-26 28-3c.
Ignores nonexisting ports. This operand is valid only with the -i and -x options.
-slot [slot1[-slot2]
Persistently disables all ports on a slot or on a range of slots, for example, -s 3-5. You may
specify multiple slot ranges separated by a space, for example, -s 3-5 8-10.
-r disable_reason_string
Specifies the reason for disabling the port persistently. The string can be up to 16 characters
long and must be enclosed in double quotation marks.
Displays the command usage.
Examples To disable a single port persistently:
switch:admin> portcfgpersistentdisable 2/4
To disable a range of ports persistently:
switch:admin> portcfgpersistentdisable 2/4-8
To disable multiple port ranges persistently:
switch:admin> portcfgpersistentdisable 2/12 \
-15 3/10-12 4/3-4
To display the portSwap status:
switch:admin> portcfgpersistentdisable -i
portcfgpersistentdisable: portSwap feature enabled.
'-i' option not supported.
To disable a port persistently by specifying its index number:
switch:admin> portcfgpersistentdisable -i 176