Reference Guide

754 Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference
The following optional arguments are ignored on the data sink, because it services all
requests from the data source: -high, -medium, -low, -unidirectional, -random, -pattern,
and -size.
When -source is specified, TPerf generates traffic until it is interrupted by user intervention
(Ctrl + c) or, if a value for duration is specified with the -t option, until the process completes
the set time frame. The TPerf module on the remote host will immediately begin generating
traffic; it is therefore imperative that the data sink has been started on the opposing switch
before the data source is started on the local switch.
The following arguments are optional:
Generates high priority traffic.
Generates medium priority traffic.
Generates low priority traffic.
If no traffic priority is specified only medium priority traffic is generated.
-time duration
Specifies the duration of the TPerf traffic flow in seconds. If a value for duration is not
specified, the process continues to run until it is terminated with Ctrl + C.
Generates traffic in one direction only. The default is round-trip.
Specifies a random protocol data unit (PDU) size between 2048 and the size of the send
request. Refer to -size below.
-pattern pattern
Specifies the test data pattern for the payload as one of the following values:
0 | notspecified
No pattern is specified. TPerf applies whatever is already set or in memory. This is the
default value.
1 | allzeros
The specified pattern is "all zeros".
2 | allones
The specified pattern is "all ones".
3 | incrementingbyte
The specified pattern is "incrementing byte".
4 | random
The specified pattern is "random".
5 | jitter
The specified pattern is "jitter".