Reference Guide

780 Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference
Displays a port error summary.
Synopsis porterrshow
porterrshow [[slot/]port1[-[slot/]port2]]
porterrshow -i | -index [index1[-index2]]
porterrshow -x [hex1[-hex2]]
porterrshow --help
Description Use this command to display an error summary for a port or a range of ports. Counts are reported on frames
transmitted by the port (Tx) or on frames received by the port (Rx). The display contains one output line per port.
Numeric values exceeding 999 are displayed in units of thousands (k), millions (m), or giga (g) if indicated.
You can identify a single port to be configured by its port number or by its port index number in decimal or
hexadecimal format. Port ranges are supported with port numbers, index numbers (decimal or hexadecimal) or by
specifying a slot or a slot range. Use switchShow for a listing of valid ports, slots, and port index numbers. When
used without operands, this command displays error summary for all ports on the switch.
Specifying multiple ports with the index number (-i or -x) or slot (-s) option is supported only if PortSwap is
disabled. They are not supported on GbE ports and configured F_Port trunks. Use the -i option without a port
index argument to display the portSwap status, or alternately use portSwapShow.
Values for the following parameters are displayed:
frames tx
Number of frames transmitted (Tx).
frames rx
Number of frames received (Rx).
enc in
Number of encoding errors inside frames received (Rx).
crc err
Number of frames with CRC errors received (Rx).
crc g_eof
Number of frames with CRC errors with good EOF received (Rx).
too shrt
Number of frames shorter than minimum received (Rx).
too long
Number of frames longer than maximum received (Rx).
bad eof
Number of frames with bad end-of-frame delimiters received (Rx).
enc out
Number of encoding error outside of frames received (Rx).