Administrator Guide

Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide 473
8G licensing
Example switchShow output if no Enterprise ICL license is installed
A message such as the following is displayed if a required EICL license is not installed:
440 8 24 ------ id 16G Online FC E-Port
segmented,10:00:00:05:33:0d:52:00 (No EICL License)(Trunk master)
441 8 25 ------ id 16G Online FC E-Port
segmented,10:00:00:05:33:0d:52:00 (No EICL License)(Trunk master)
Example switchShow output if maximum number of chassis is reached
A message such as the following is displayed if the maximum number of supported chassis is
384 5 0 ------ id 16G Online FC E-Port
segmented,10:00:00:05:1e:39:bf:9a (EICL License Limited)(Trunk master)
385 5 1 ------ id 16G Online FC E-Port
segmented,10:00:00:05:1e:39:bf:9a (EICL License Limited)(Trunk master)
8G licensing
This license is installed by default and you should not remove it. Port operation may become
disrupted, and ports may be prevented from operating at 8 Gbps when the license is removed.
The 8 Gbps license applies to the Brocade 300, 5100, 5300, and VA-40FC switches and the
8 Gbps embedded switches; this license does not apply to the Brocade 6505, 6510, or 6520.
The following list describes the basic rules of using, adding, or removing 8G licenses:
Without an 8G license, even if there is an 8 Gbps SFP plugged into a port in an applicable
platform, the port would be enabled to run at a maximum speed of 4 Gbps.
To obtain an 8G license, only the license ID from the switch is required. When you add the 8G
license, you must enter either the portDisable and portEnable commands on each individual
port on the switch, or the switchDisable and switchEnable commands on the switch, to enable
8Gbps features.
When you remove the 8G license, the ports that are online and already running at 8 Gbps are
not disturbed until the port goes offline or the switch is rebooted. The switch ports return to
their pre-licensed state maximum speed of 4 Gbps.