Administrator Guide

128 Web Tools Administrator’s Guide
Defining Switch Policy
FIGURE 31 Switch Report window
To check the physical health of the switch, perform the following steps.
1. Select a logical switch from the Logical Switch drop-down list in the top-right corner of the
Switch Explorer window.
The selected switch displays in the Switch View. The icon on the Status button indicates the
overall status of the switch.
2. Click Status on the Switch View.
The detailed switch health report displays, as shown in Figure 31.
3. Optional: Hold the cursor on the Action bar and click an action to perform one of the following
Refresh the information displayed in the report
Customize the report
View the data in raw XML format
View the style sheet for the report
View the XML schema for the report
Defining Switch Policy
The Switch Policy dialog box lets you define the values for what you consider a healthy switch. The
parameters for Switch Policy define whether the unit is listed as being “Healthy”, “Marginal”, or