Users Guide

320 Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide
Supported platforms for Virtual Fabrics
When you are logged in to a logical switch, the system prompt changes to display the FID of that
switch. The following are example prompts for when you are logged in to the default logical switch
(FID = 128) and a user-defined logical switch (FID = 15):
Refer to Chapter 6, “Managing User Accounts,” for information about creating user accounts and
assigning FIDs to user accounts.
Supported platforms for Virtual Fabrics
The following platforms are Virtual Fabrics-capable:
Brocade 5100
Brocade 5300
Brocade 6510
Brocade 6520
Brocade 7800
Brocade VA-40FC, in Native mode only
Brocade DCX
Brocade DCX-4S
Brocade DCX 8510 family
Some restrictions apply to the ports, depending on the port type and blade type. The following
sections explain these restrictions.
Supported port configurations in the fixed-port switches
There are no restrictions on the ports in the Brocade 5100, 5300, 6510, 6520, and VA-40FC;
however, the following rules apply:
Any port can belong to any logical switch (including the base switch and default logical switch),
with the exception that F_Ports cannot belong to the base switch.
The default logical switch can use XISLs, except on Brocade DCX or DCX-4S devices.
The default logical switch can also be a base switch.
Restrictions on fixed-port switches
Brocade 7800— Although it can be divided into four logical switches, you cannot use an XISL on
this switch because a base switch is not supported on this device.