Users Guide

Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide 359
Zone creation and maintenance
Example validating the zone members beginning with gre, regardless of the case
switch:admin> zone --validate -i gre*
Defined configuration:
zone: GREEN 44, 4; 21:00:00:20:37:0c:71:02; 8,9
zone: green 2,2*; 2,3*; 21:00:00:20:37:0c:76:8c*
Effective configuration:
zone: green 2,2*
~ - Invalid configuration
* - Member does not exist
# - Invalid usage of broadcast zone
Inconsistencies between the defined and effective configurations
If you edit zone objects in the defined configuration that also exist in the effective configuration and
then issue the cfgSave command, a warning message stating that a mismatch is observed
between the defined and effective configurations is posted, and you are asked to confirm that you
want cfgSave to continue. If you enter “y”, then the updated configuration will be saved; if you enter
“n”, then the updated configuration will be discarded.
Example warning message
switch: admin> cfgsave
The changes you are attempting to save will render the
Effective configuration and the Defined configuration inconsistent.
The inconsistency will result in different Effective Zoning
configurations for switches in the fabric if a zone merge or
HA failover happens. To avoid inconsistency it is recommended to
commit the configurations using the 'cfgenable' command.
Do you want to proceed with saving the Defined
zoning configuration only? (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes
If you enter yes, and the cfgSave operation completes successfully, then the following RASlog
message [ZONE-1062] will be posted.
[ZONE-1062], 620/181, FID 128, WARNING, sw0, Defined and Effective zone
configurations are inconsistent, ltime:2012/09/03-23:18:30:983609
You can then either re-enable the updated configuration or revert to the older configuration. If there
is no impact to the effective configuration with the latest update to the defined configuration, then
the following message will be displayed.
“You are about to save the Defined zoning configuration. This action will only
save the changes on Defined configuration.
Do you want to proceed?” (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
Example of inconsistent defined and effective configuration warning to use
switch: admin> zoneShow
Defined configuration:
cfg: cfg1 zone1; zone2
zone: zone1 10:00:00:00:00:00:00:01; 10:00:00:00:00:00:00:02
zone: zone2 1,1; 1,2
Effective configuration:
cfg: cfg1
zone: zone1 10:00:00:00:00:00:00:01