Users Guide

376 Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide
Concurrent zone transactions
When merging mixed versions of Fabric OS where both sides have default zone mode No Access set,
the merge results vary depending on which switch initiates the merge.
Concurrent zone transactions
While working on zone sets, a special workspace is provided to allow you to manipulate the zone
sets of your choice. These changes are not put into effect until they are committed to the database.
Once they are committed, they will replace the existing active zone sets with the new zone sets or
create more zone sets in the defined database. When updates to the zoning database are being
made by multiple users, Fabric OS warns you about the situation and allows you to choose which
operation will prevail.
TABLE 68 Zone merging scenarios: Default access mode
Description Switch A Switch B Expected results
Different default zone access mode
defzone: allaccess defzone: noaccess Clean merge — noaccess takes precedence
and defzone configuration from Switch B
propagates to fabric.
defzone: noaccess
Same default zone access mode
defzone: allaccess defzone: allaccess Clean merge — defzone configuration is
allaccess in the fabric.
Same default zone access mode
defzone: noaccess defzone: noaccess Clean merge — defzone configuration is
noaccess in the fabric.
Effective zone configuration. No effective
defzone = allaccess
effective: cfg2
defzone: allaccess or
Clean merge — effective zone configuration
and defzone mode from Switch B propagates
to fabric.
Effective zone configuration. No effective
defzone = noaccess
effective: cfg2
defzone: allaccess
Fabric segments because Switch A has a
hidden zone configuration (no access)
activated and Switch B has an explicit zone
configuration activated.
Effective zone configuration effective: cfg1
defzone: noaccess
No effective
defzone: noaccess
Clean merge — effective zone configuration
from Switch A propagates to fabric.
Effective zone configuration effective: cfg1
defzone: allaccess
No effective
defzone: noaccess
Fabric segments. You can resolve the zone
conflict by changing defzone to noaccess on
Switch 1.
TABLE 69 Zone merging scenarios: Mixed Fabric OS versions
Description Switch A Switch B Expected results
Switch A is running Fabric OS 7.0.0 or
Switch B is running a Fabric OS version
earlier than 7.0.0.
effective: cfg1
defzone = allaccess
No effective
defzone - noaccess
Fabric segments due to zone conflict.
Switch A is running Fabric OS 7.0.0 or
Switch B is running a Fabric OS version
earlier than 7.0.0.
No effective
defzone = noaccess
effective: cfg2
defzone - allaccess
Fabric segments due to zone conflict.