Users Guide

Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide 397
Supported configurations for Traffic Isolation Zoning
If the fabric contains a switch running an earlier version of Fabric OS, you cannot create an
enhanced TI zone. You cannot merge a downlevel switch into a fabric containing enhanced TI
zones, and you cannot merge a switch with enhanced TI zones defined into a fabric containing
switches that do not support ETIZ.
Overlapping TI zones must have the same failover type. That is, both must be either failover
enabled or failover disabled.
FC router domains are excluded from the ETIZ platform restrictions. You can create enhanced TI
zones with these switches in the fabric.
Trunking with TI zones
If you implement trunking and TI zones, you should keep the following points in mind:
To include a trunk group in a TI zone, you must include all ports of the trunk in the TI zone.
Trunked ISL ports cannot be members of more than one TI zone.
The zone command includes an option to show TI trunk errors: zone --showTItrunkerrors
This command parameter displays the details of the trunk members in the TI zone, separated
into present and not present, and displayed per TI Zone basis.
Sample output
switch:admin> zone --showTItrunkerrors
TI Zone Name: brackets
E-Port Trunks
Trunk members in TI zone: 16 18
Trunk members not in TI zone: 17
F-Port Trunks
Trunk members in TI zone: 4 5
Trunk members not in TI zone: 6
TI Zone Name: loop
E-Port Trunks
Trunk members in TI zone: 0
Trunk members not in TI zone: 1
TI Zone Name: operand
E-Port Trunks
Trunk members in TI zone: 8
Trunk members not in TI zone: 9 10
E-Port Trunks
Trunk members in TI zone: 16
Trunk members not in TI zone: 17 18