Users Guide

432 Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide
Displaying bottleneck detection configuration details
The following initials in the “Per-port overrides for alert parameters,” section of the output indicate
which alerts have been set:
C indicates a congestion alert has been set.
L indicates a latency alert has been set.
Y indicates both alerts are set.
N indicates no alerts are set.
The following examples show the status of different bottleneck alerts.
Example of status showing that bottleneck detection is not enabled
switch:admin> bottleneckmon --status
Bottleneck detection - Disabled
Refer to “Enabling bottleneck detection on a switch” on page 431 for instructions on enabling
bottleneck detection.
Example of status output showing that congestion and latency alerts are enabled
switch:admin> bottleneckmon --status
Bottleneck detection - Enabled
Switch-wide sub-second latency bottleneck criterion:
Time threshold - 0.800
Severity threshold - 50.000
Switch-wide alerting parameters:
Alerts - Yes
Latency threshold for alert - 0.100
Congestion threshold for alert - 0.800
Averaging time for alert - 300 seconds
Quiet time for alert - 300 seconds
Example of status output showing that only a congestion alert at the switch level has been set
switch:admin> bottleneckmon --status
Bottleneck detection - Enabled
Switch-wide sub-second latency bottleneck criterion:
Time threshold - 0.800
Severity threshold - 50.000
Switch-wide alerting parameters:
Alerts - Congestion only
Congestion threshold for alert - 0.800
Averaging time for alert - 300 seconds
Quiet time for alert - 300 seconds
Per-port overrides for alert parameters: